God Has Better…. It Will End In Praise!

God Has Better…. It Will End In Praise!

Last week, I was having what the kids call ‘a moment’. I was in my feelings’.  It was a long ‘moment’ because it spanned two days.  Let me explain – I commute from New Jersey to Long Island every week. That means one train to New York and another to Long Island...
Worship – Through my Eyes

Worship – Through my Eyes

Worship is a powerful way to refuel our heart.   In the storm, it is what brings us peace.  In the fire, it is our hope and in the wilderness, our anchor.  It basically reminds us of who God is; what He has done and what He can and will do. It is our safe place; where...
Worship not worry and continuously praise…

Worship not worry and continuously praise…

I want to talk about anxiety on this post.  There’s a lot of that going around. Everyone gets anxious; the difference between the ones who overcome and the ones who don’t is that the latter knows where their strength is and who to run to when it gets overwhelming and...
Lover of my Soul…

Lover of my Soul…

    One of the things I will be doing with this blog will be to review songs that personally “speak” or as we say in ‘church speak’ ministers to me.  On my entry last week, I wrote about making your heart connect with the lyrics of songs.  This applies to...