Grace Resets

Grace Resets

One of the things God spoke to me about this year was on collaborations which I narrow mindedly thought would be in the space of the worship ministry but I have seen this come about in more ways than I could have imagined.  Collaboration really begins with connections...
God’s Grace in Motion

God’s Grace in Motion

When you hear the word ‘Grace’, what do you think? Let us pause here… The grace of God, unmerited favor, something you do not necessarily deserve but God gives it to you anyway. I am a product of Grace; I believe this so much I had a t-shirt made! You see that...
How to Walk Fearlessly in your purpose

How to Walk Fearlessly in your purpose

Fear and Purpose Let’s define fear.  According to the dictionary, this is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous. It is accompanied by an agitation of the feelings of fright or panic. Now, let’s define purpose. Purpose is the...
I Did It…Take the Step, You Must!!!

I Did It…Take the Step, You Must!!!

So, I’ve had a business opportunity, I had been trying to make a decision on and I had to do research and ask questions to the point that I began to over-analyze to the point of anxiety.  I discovered the reason I didn’t want to go into this venture is because...
Worship – Through my Eyes

Worship – Through my Eyes

Worship is a powerful way to refuel our heart.   In the storm, it is what brings us peace.  In the fire, it is our hope and in the wilderness, our anchor.  It basically reminds us of who God is; what He has done and what He can and will do. It is our safe place; where...